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Para anggota kerajaan mulai menjalani tugas untuk menjaga peti mati mendiang Ratu Elizabeth II menjelang pemakaman.
Delapan orang cucu bertugas menjaga peti mendiang nenek mereka pada Minggu (18/9) di Westminster Hall, London.
Upacara menjaga peti ini dipimpin oleh Pangeran William dan juga dihadiri oleh Pangeran Harry memakai seragam militer Inggris.
Yuk, intip momen para cucu Ratu Elizabeth saat menjaga peti mati sang nenek!
1. Para cucu Ratu Elizabeth II bertugas menjaga peti mati sang nenek pada Minggu (18/9) di Westminster Hall, London.
 LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Queen Elizabeth II 's grandchildren (L-R) Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Beatrice, Harry, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips hold a vigil beside the coffin of their grandmother as it lies in state on the catafalque inside Westminster Hall on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren mount a family vigil over her coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/WPA Pool |
2. Kedepalan cucu tersebut yaitu Pangeran William, Pangeran Harry, Peter Phillips, Zara Tindall, Putri Beatrice, Eugiene, Lady Loise Windsor, James dan Viscoun Severn.
 LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Queen Elizabeth II 's grandchildren (L-R) Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Beatrice, Harry, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips hold a vigil beside the coffin of their grandmother as it lies in state on the catafalque inside Westminster Hall on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren mount a family vigil over her coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/WPA Pool |
3. Upacara ini dipimpin oleh Pangeran William yang kini menyandang gelar Prince of Wales.
 LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Queen Elizabeth II 's grandchildren (L-R) Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Beatrice, Harry, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips hold a vigil beside the coffin of their grandmother as it lies in state on the catafalque inside Westminster Hall on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren mount a family vigil over her coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/WPA Pool |
4. Pangeran Harry juga hadir memakai kembali seragam militernya setelah dua tahun tidak lagi jadi bangsawan senior.
 LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Queen Elizabeth II 's grandchildren (L-R) Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Beatrice, Harry, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips hold a vigil beside the coffin of their grandmother as it lies in state on the catafalque inside Westminster Hall on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren mount a family vigil over her coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/WPA Pool |
5. Upacara jaga peti ini berlangsung khidmat sekitar 15 menit yang dimulai pada pukul 18.00 waktu London setempat.
 LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Queen Elizabeth II 's grandchildren (L-R) Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Beatrice, Harry, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips hold a vigil beside the coffin of their grandmother as it lies in state on the catafalque inside Westminster Hall on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren mount a family vigil over her coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/WPA Pool |
6. Mendiang Ratu dan cucu-cucunya memiliki hubungan yang sangat dekat.
 LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Queen Elizabeth II 's grandchildren (L-R) Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Beatrice, Harry, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips hold a vigil beside the coffin of their grandmother as it lies in state on the catafalque inside Westminster Hall on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren mount a family vigil over her coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/WPA Pool |
7. Kedepalan cucu ini mengatakan bahwa sang nenek adalah sosok panutan mereka dan keluarganya.
 LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Queen Elizabeth II 's grandchildren (L-R) Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Beatrice, Harry, Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips hold a vigil beside the coffin of their grandmother as it lies in state on the catafalque inside Westminster Hall on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren mount a family vigil over her coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/WPA Pool |
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